What Counts As a Personal Injury Accident?

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:30

Personal injuries are unfortunate circumstances in which a person has been involved in an accident and has suffered injury/injuries which cause a great deal of suffering, both physically and mentally. Most types of injuries can be classified under personal injury cases regardless of severity. Often it depends on the secondary and tertiary effects of an injury, such as lost wages. At times personal injury can even include emotional pain and suffering as well.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making A Personal Injury Claim

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:26

Severe injuries impact every aspect of a victim's life. From the most obvious impacts of pain and suffering to lost wages and difficulty paying mortgage and medical bills, your life may be turned completely upside down. The primary focus of your time and energy should be in recovery, but the reality of trying to keep up with bills may interfere with that recovery. If your injury is caused by negligence on the part of another individual or company, you may consider suing them for the cost of your recovery.

Negligence and Liability In Personal Injury Cases

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:22

The first step in any personal injury case is deciding if another individual or business is responsible for your injury. Liability is the technical terms for legal responsibility. In determining liability, your personal injury attorney will determine whether you injury was cause by the negligence of that individual or business.


Mental Trauma

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:14

Imagine for a moment that you are in an elevator. Suddenly the power goes out and the elevator begins to fall. However, just before it is too late the power comes back on and the elevator slows down and stops. Later, you are heading for work and waiting at the elevator. Then as you get on you are seized with panic and unable to get on the elevator. You try again and again, but each time an unreasonable panic clutches at your chest due to the traumatic experience you had earlier.

Adjusting to Life After a Personal Injury Claim

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:10

Every day people suffer injuries which change their life significantly. While there are legal remedies to help with the financial burden, one thing that many personal injury victims have a hard time dealing with is life after an injury. For these people, life has changed drastically. In some cases they must adjust to learning a new way to move around, for others, a new way to communicate. If you are one of the many people who have been permanently injured, this article is meant to help you learn how to deal with life after injury.

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Personal Injury Tip: Seek Medical Assistance Immediately After Your Accident

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:06
Personal Injury

One of the most critical elements to winning your personal injury case is seeking medical attention as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we do not always think about going to the doctor immediately after getting injured as many injuries take days or weeks to show their seriousness.

Can you Make a Personal injury Claim for Food Poisoning?

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 09:01

Food poisoning is a terrible painful affliction, which causes a series of horrible bowel problems which can lead to lost time at work and a great deal of suffering. In cases where this is caused by eating at a restaurant, the restaurant can be held liable in a tort case. Food poisoning is caused by deteriorating food products and the bi-products of the bacteria present in the food.

Compensation In Personal Injury Cases

Submitted by Norman on Tue, 08/03/2010 - 08:49

After you have been seriously injured your first thoughts are generally about recovery. However, you will also be thinking about the financial implications of your injury. How are you going to pay your medical bills? What about the time you have to take off of work? You may rightly be very angry at the individual or company that caused your pain and suffering. What can you do to prevent them from causing other injuries like yours in the future?

Auto Accidents

Submitted by Norman on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 16:14
One of the major causes of personal injury is automobile accidents. Sometimes these accidents are due to hazardous conditions, and, at other times, the negligence of other drivers. This negligence includes include things such as running a red light or stop sign, or following too closely, resulting in rear ending. The defining factor is that a driver took action, or did not take action, resulting in another person's injury.

Joint Liability In Personal Injury Cases

Submitted by Norman on Mon, 07/26/2010 - 11:51

Joint liability is a condition where at least two people or parties are liable for an individual’s injury. If more than one party is found to be responsible for a person’s injuries, all liable parties are going to have to pay certain amounts of money to compensate a victim for an injury. The amount they each have to pay depends on how liable for the injury the judge sees them as being; the more liable a person is, the more he/she will be forced to compensate the injured party.