Animal Attack Personal Injury Claims

Submitted by Norman on Fri, 08/13/2010 - 09:44
Whether it be a dog, a cat, a monkey, a snake, a camel or a horse, being attacked by an animal is definitely traumatic experience. Animal attacks can be prevented if the owners or caretakers exercise proper caution and care which will prevent the occurrence of such ill-fated events.

Owners are at times said to be responsible for any injuries their animals may cause to anyone. However, strict legal responsibility may not apply if someone has been injured by an animal while it is restrained or confined on its owner’s property or land, but this is an argument that may not be applicable in every case.

Animal attacks can lead to serious injuries. Anyone who has been attacked by an animal may experience emotional problems, post traumatic stress disorder, fear of animals and be forced to go through reconstructive surgery and physical rehabilitation. Victims may also suffer from lacerations and abrasions, scarring, bacterial infections, broken bones and rabies. If an individual was injured or got killed as a result of an animal attack, specific remedies can be provided by the law. An animal attack lawsuit can be filed against the person who failed to exercise control or care over the animal. Filing an Animal Attack Claim There are several injuries that can be caused by animal attacks, many of which require medical attention. Animal attack claims commonly involve dog bites. Children are often bitten more than adults because of their curious and trusting nature. These dog bites, as well as other injuries caused by animals, can have lifelong implications. Because of this, victims are entitled to file charges against the person who has committed negligence that led to the attack. To have a successful animal attack case, the injured person must prove that he was lawfully in the location where the injury had taken place. The claimant should also show that negligence on the part of the animal owner was key to the attack occurring. Damages may not be recovered if the claimant was a trespasser or had provoked the animal. The compensation that can be obtained from an animal attack personal injury claim will serve as financial assistance for rehabilitation expenses and medical treatment. Punitive damages may be served against the owner or caretaker of a pet which has repeatedly attacked people. Under such cases, a personal injury lawyer can definitely help in building up a strong case. Your Animal Attack Case If you have been injured because of an animal attack, you can file charges against the animal owner for failing to restrain his pet or keep it within the confines of his home. However, animal attack claims can be a bit difficult to prove especially when not handled properly. To increase your chance of obtaining compensation, it is wise to consult a personal injury attorney who will help ensure you are as prepared as possible for your animal attack personal injury claim.