Jacksonville Product Liability Lawyer

With a Jacksonville product liability lawyer on your side, you have a very strong chance of filing a successful product liability claim for any injuries you may have suffered from using a defective product.

Defective products can cause severe injuries and health problems. Virtually any product that you come into contact with or use with may be the basis for a Jacksonville product liability claim if unsafe for its intended use. A defective product can be anything from a car part that failed to work as intended (i.e. seatbelt or air bag) to a consumer product like a kid’s toy that causes health problems or injury to your child. If you or a loved one has been injured because of using a defective product, you may have a product liability claim. To know if your case is viable, speak to a Jacksonville product liability lawyer who can establish your case.

Normally, product liability claims require a careful investigation of the defective product and what caused it to have defects. Determining the party responsible for your injury is not always easy as there could be more than one party involved in the production, design or manufacturing of the product that is said to have defects. Hence, it is important to have a Jacksonville product liability lawyer who knows well who to include as defendants. Among the parties that could be held liable under Florida’s product liability law may include the manufacturer, packaging company, retailer and wholesaler.

There are different theories under which your claim may be brought and these include negligence, strict liability and breach of warranty. In a negligence product liability claim, you and your Jacksonville product liability lawyer must prove that the product in question was made defective due to negligence on the part of one of the parties involved in the manufacturing chain. In a strict liability claim, you have to show that you have been injured because of using a flawed product. If you are bringing a strict liability claim, you do not have to establish negligence as in this case, you just have to prove that the product was defective. You may file a breach of warranty complaint if the seller failed to fulfill the terms of a claim, representation or promise made concerning the type or quality of the product.

Causation of injuries issues can be very complicated, especially if the product in question is only a remote cause or one of the many causes of the injured parties injuries. Regardless of the product liability theories, proving defect is important in any cases. Doing this requires the legal expertise of a Jacksonville product liability lawyer. Remember, large companies are involved in your case. These companies have teams of legal experts on their sides that can make you lose your product liability claim.

If you wish to have a strong chance of being fairly compensated for your injuries, do not hesitate to let all the legal matters be handled by a knowledgeable Jacksonville product liability lawyer.

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