Austin Spinal Cord Lawyer

With the help of an Austin spinal cord lawyer, you can be compensated for any spinal injuries you may have suffered as a result of another individual’s negligence.

A spinal cord injury refers to trauma that leads to an injury to the spinal cord. Since the spine allows a person to move, walk and run, any injury to it can have debilitating effects on the injured individual. Immediate medical attention is recommended to ensure the injured person’s health and safety. Legal advice from an Austin spinal cord injury lawyer should be considered to know what options can be taken to protect the injured person’s rights and see if they can receive compensation for the injury.

Causes and Statistics Spinal cord injuries are usually the result of different types of accidents and tragedies, including motor vehicle accidents, slips and falls, acts of violence, sports accidents and use of defective products. In Austin, Texas, the leading cause of spinal cord injuries among people who are under the age of 65 is car crashes, while sports and recreation activities lead to about 20 percent of spinal cord injury cases. More than half of the injured people who sustain a spinal cord injury in Austin are between the age of 15 and 30.

Effects For most people who suffer a spinal cord injury, secondary health issues (i.e. spasticity, urinary tract infections, scoliosis, pressure sores, respiratory complications, and more) are the major issues to have to be concerned with. The effects of a spinal cord injury can be traumatic and extremely costly to treat costly. Therefore, injured individuals may file a claim against the party responsible for their spinal injury to obtain financial support for their injury related expenses and losses. Pursuing a spinal cord injury claim can be made much easier by working with a Austin spinal cord injury lawyer.

Filing an Austin Spinal Cord Injury Compensation Claim Before filing a spinal cord injury claim, it is important for any condition to be evaluated by a qualified Austin spinal cord injury lawyer to see if there really is a case and who to file the claim against. In some cases, knowing who to name as defendants can be so complicated that only a legal expert, such as an Austin spinal cord lawyer, can help assess who really is liable for an injury. Individuals who have suffered a spinal cord injury may also benefit from the information and opinions of an Austin spinal cord lawyer regarding recent rehabilitation treatment and medical advances.

Moreover, strict statutory deadlines are applicable in any particular jurisdiction and this requires the examination of the facts by an experienced Austin spinal cord injury lawyer. The statute of limitations in Austin, Texas for a spinal cord injury claim is two years from the date the claim is accrued. An Austin spinal cord lawyer will ensure that you meet this and every other deadline.

Your Austin Spinal Cord Injury Case The treatment for a spinal injury can be extremely expensive, so getting in contact with an Austin spinal cord lawyer is a vital action to take as it allows you to see if you are entitled to claim for compensation which can greatly reduce the financial burden your injuries can place on you and your family..

Normally, the compensation your Austin spinal cord injury lawyer can arrange for you may cover not only your medical expenses, pain and sufferings but also any future losses you may incur like nursing care, rehabilitation costs, disability aids and transportation costs. If your injury prevented you from going back to work, any future lost earnings will also be covered as long as you can provide the necessary evidence or requirements that will prove your disability.

Therefore, if you have suffered a spinal cord injury, it is in your best interest to speak with an Austin spinal cord lawyer.

For more information on other areas of Austin personal injury, please visit our Austin personal injury law page